Ook als je twijfelt, 24/7 gratis bereikbaar 0800 – 2000

What is Veilig Thuis?

You can contact us if you experience or witness domestic violence, neglect or abuse. We can give you advice and offer help or you can report a concern.

Unsure if you should call?

Even when in doubt, it is important that you contact us. Maybe no further action is needed and the conversation about your concerns is enough. But if the situation at home is unsafe, then this often doesn't stop by itself. We are there to help you.

We are there for you

Veilig Thuis Utrecht is there for everyone in the province of Utrecht, young and old, who is confronted with domestic violence, child abuse, elder abuse and human trafficking. Veilig Thuis Utrecht breaks through the spiral of unsafe situations and offers advice and help.

There is always something you can do about unsafety at home. Whether it’s affecting yourself or someone else; whether you have suspicions or you know for sure that there is a problem. Sharing your concerns is an important first step, no matter how big or small your concerns may be.

We can give you advice

Would you like advice or do you think you need help for yourself or for someone else? Call Veilig Thuis Utrecht on this free national helpline: 0800-2000. You will hear a recorded message asking you for the name of the place where you live or that of the person for whom you’re calling. You will then immediately be connected to a social worker in the correct region.

    You can report a concern

    Veilig Thuis Utrecht is also the place to report concerns that you have about domestic violence, child abuse, elder abuse or human trafficking. After receiving a concern we have the legal obligation to assess it.

    We can provide help

    You can ask questions or express your feelings. You will get a social worker on the phone who carefully listens to what you have to say, answers your questions and gives you advice. With your permission, the social worker will also see if professional help is available for you and if so, which kind.

    What could your concern be about?

    • Physical forms of violence

      Physical forms such as hitting or kicking

    • Mental abuse

      being sworn at, humiliated, threatened with violence, having your possessions destroyed, not being allowed to make decisions for yourself, being constantly exposed to unkind comments, being frightened

    • Neglect

      when a child is not given what it needs, for example food, clothing or loving attention

    • Sexual assault

      being groped or forced to have sex against your will, or blackmailed through social media

    • Elder abuse

      an elderly person being tied up, beaten or neglected, misappropriating their money or property

    • Forced marriage

      being forced to marry (against your will) or being prevented from getting a divorce

    • Children witnessing violence

      children witnessing violence in their family is also considered child abuse

    Contact us

    Our free phone number is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Just call 0800 – 2000. You can also email or chat with us.

    We listen to your story

    We discuss your concerns, answer your questions and provide information and advice.

    You get advice

    Together we look at what is going on and what you can do yourself.

    Together we look for help

    Together we will see what steps you can take, whether professional help is needed, and if so, what kind of help.

    What if you don’t speak the Dutch language?

    If you do not speak Dutch or if you have difficulty expressing yourself in Dutch, please ensure that someone can help you with the language. If this is not possible for you, ask for a social worker who speaks English. If this person is not available, we will call you back.

    If you need to come to an appointment, you can always bring someone who speaks Dutch or we will provide an interpreter if you need one.

    What is Veilig Thuis Utrecht?

    Veilig Thuis Utrecht is the center against domestic violence, child abuse and elder abuse and the regional center for domestic human trafficking. Everyone can call, email or chat with Veilig Thuis Utrecht. You can ask questions and share or report your concerns. Our employees will listen attentively, summarize the situation and give advice. If you want, you can remain anonymous. Professionals can also contact Veilig Thuis Utrecht for advice or to share or report their concerns.

    Veilig Thuis Utrecht  offers advice and support, accepts notifications, assigns the case to a specialist or conducts its own investigation and imposes conditions in unsafe home situations. In crisis situations, Veilig Thuis Utrecht will take immediate action.

    Information in English

    Video: What can you aspect from Veilig Thuis Utrecht?
    Video: What can you aspect from Veilig Thuis Utrecht?

    Brochure: What happens after you report a concern?
    Brochure: What happens after you report a concern?

    Brochure: Investigation into unsafe situations
    Brochure: Investigation into unsafe situations

    Brochure: Conditions and continuation
    Brochure: Conditions and continuation

    When is it abuse?

    Do you doubt whether it is domestic violence, child abuse, elder abuse or human trafficking? Or are you sure of it? It is important to even raise the suspicion of this. Because threats, name-calling or neglect are also forms of abuse. Abuse happens more often then you might think. Call, email or chat with Veilig Thuis Utrecht.


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